Here at Ludworth we understand the importance of educating our children to be valued members of society, contributing to an all -inclusive world. We strive to develop in them an understanding of the major religions and cultures of the world. We instil a sense of acceptance and enjoyment when learning about religions and cultures and inspire children to want to find out more about the similarities and differences in everyone. In recent years, we have developed our curriculum to ensure we are providing our children with a broad range of opportunities and experiences to understand the world they live in.
We have followed the Stockport Agreed Syllabus in R.E. since 2016 which was updated in 2022. The syllabus encompasses more than simply learning about the major religions of the world. It has 3 strands, Expressing, Believing and Living. From EYFS to Year 6, the children develop knowledge and skills to help them to understand who they are and to equip them on their journey to becoming part of a global community. Each unit in our curriculum comes from an initial question, ranging from What is special about our world? in EYFS, to What can be done to reduce racism? in Year 6. In addition to this, each Year group enriches the R.E. & Cultural curriculum with either external class trips and/or visitors in school, including cross-curricular links. For example, Year 2 trip to Manchester Jewish Museum, Christians in Schools Trust workshops across all year groups which directly link to the Stockport syllabus, Chinese cultural workshops in Key stage 1, participation in Easter and Christmas workshops in Year 5 and South & West African Drumming music in Year 6.
Our latest enrichment programme is in Year 3. We are now part of Stockport’s Schools Linking Programme which is organised by Stockport’s Ethnic Diversity Service.
The Schools Linking Programme brings together 2 classes from demographically diverse schools. The programme is nationally recognised as offering a positive, age appropriate, curriculum response to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC), British values and the Prevent duty. Linking offers meaningful experiences whilst supporting children as they explore identity and diversity, champion equality and develop dialogue.
Religious Education is a statutory part of primary education. The National Curriculum states the legal requirement is that:
Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based. Although discouraged, parents do have the right to withdraw their child from all or part RE. To do so please contact your child’s class teacher.