School Uniform

School Uniform

From Reception to Year 2, children should wear a white polo t-shirt. From Year 3 to Year 6, children should wear a white shirt with a clip-on school tie. All children may choose to wear a school V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo; black skirt or trousers/shorts. Green gingham summer dresses can also be worn in warmer weather. Children are to wear sensible black shoes.

For PE, children wear a white top with black shorts or joggers, and either pumps or trainers. Children may also choose to wear a black fleece. PE kit should be free from large logos.

When children are involved in Forest School or outdoor activities, they should wear waterproof trousers and jackets that can be easily worn over the top of their school uniform and a pair of wellington boots.

Jewellery is NOT permitted in school apart from small plain stud earrings. Children must be able to remove their own earrings for PE – plasters covering earrings are not permitted.

Hair styles to be neat and tidy with no extreme haircuts or shaved patterns. Long hair is to be tied back. Head bands or scrunchies must be black. No large hair accessories.

All items of school uniform, including book bags, can be purchased from Warrens, based on Chadkirk Business Park.