At Ludworth we follow a Maths Mastery approach where children develop skills in arithmetical proficiency so that they can make links in their learning to then problem solve and reason. We aim to make our lessons active and engaging and by following the White Rose curriculum we have a consistent and progressive approach across school. Lessons are purposeful and link to real-life where possible and through adaptive teaching by depth, we allow all children to be successful.
At Ludworth we follow ‘The White Rose’ scheme of planning but we also supplement these resources with a range of materials and activities to ensure learning can be adapted to our class needs and the best fit for our school.
We recognise the need to use a ‘go slow to go fast’ approach where challenge is provided by going deeper rather than accelerating to new mathematical content. We also focus on children acquiring ‘automaticity’ -recall of facts- through daily focused sessions of Core Maths/Mastery of number, which allow children opportunities for retrieval practice to ensure knowledge is retained and can then be readily applied when problem solving.
Our school also has strong links with our local maths hub to ensure our approach is adaptable and we are always looking for ways to promote and improve our teaching and learning practice.
Staff promote a ‘can do’ attitude to maths for all pupils, ensuring the classroom is a safe place to make and learn from mistakes, recognising that the answer is only the beginning…ready to explain not just the answer…how they arrived at the answer using well-rehearsed sentence stems to support them.